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indirect relation中文是什么意思

用"indirect relation"造句"indirect relation"怎么读"indirect relation" in a sentence


  • 间接关系
  • 间接通信联络


  • The individual citizen has indirect relation with national assets , short of monopolization
  • Especially the issue on the validity of the intendance system of government procurement need us do more research because it has indirect relation with the reform of financial expenditure
  • The signal / data obtained by measurement or observation usually contain two parts : one part is useful which has a direct or indirect relation to the research object , called information . and the other part is interferential has no relation to the research object , called noise
  • After analysing the relationship between leading industry and related industries , it insisted fostering industry convergence . the electronics & communications industry was selected to be leading industry for its highly denseness of technology and linkage effects . after analyzing of industry linkage , we found that there was a poor indirect relation between electronics & communications industry and related industries
  • What ' s more , it has its new features and disadvantages , such as unorganized network information , mixed information contents , shortage of standard search , indirect relation between consultation librarians and users , bad quality control system , the deficiency of network consultation secrecy and expensive search fares
  • The author concludes that the production of ceramic imitations of ritual vessels by wang jinxi and the establishment of the xiuneisi official kilns by shao e were two unrelated events in the shaoxing reign period of the southern song dynasty , and yet while there were direct and indirect relations between the two phenomena , the types of ritual vessels produced by the two kilns were distinctly different wares
用"indirect relation"造句  
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